Our Therapeutic Team

Existential, Transpersonal, and Gestalt Centre

Christina Manfredi - Clinical Psychotherapist Perth – Gestalt Therapist – Psychological Counsellor – Transpersonal Therapist & Trauma Therapist at Fremantle Counselling & Transpersonal & Shamanic Psychotherapy & Counselling Perth

Christina Manfredi

Clinical Psychotherapist Perth – Gestalt & Existential Therapist  Psychological Counsellor Transpersonal Therapist, & Trauma Therapist 

What I Offer
Professional Biography
My Therapeutic Approach
Supervision & Training

Wilhelm Hurtz - Clinical Psychologist, Gestalt Therapist, Clinical Occupational Therapist at Fremantle Counselling

Wilhelm Hurtz

Clinical Psychologist, Gestalt & Existential Therapist, Clinical Occupational Therapist In Perth, Fremantle

Professional Biography
My Therapeutic Approach

Contact Us

Discover how Existential, Transpersonal, & Gestalt Therapy Centre provides counselling and therapy to support your self-healing capacity, and  your recovery from Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Relationship difficulties, Crisis & more. Call us on 08 9430 9533 or 0422 648 243 or email christina.manfredi@iinet.net.au or wahurtz@westnet.com.auto book an appointment.