Welcome to the Existential, Transpersonal, & Gestalt Therapy Centre
Generating Powerful Authentic, Meaningful and Positive Change for a Purposeful Life
The Existential, Transpersonal, & Gestalt Therapy Centre is an innovative centre of excellence for depth psychotherapy. The practice is located in Fremantle, and offers services throughout Perth, & Cockburn Western Australia.
Existential, Transpersonal, & Gestalt Therapy Centre collaborates with Fremantle Counselling & Psychological Services to provide authentic professional care to assist your personal growth and self-healing.
The psychotherapeutic founders of the Centre are Christina Manfredi and Wilhelm Hurtz.
Our team offers professional psychotherapeutic help for clients across the Fremantle and Perth metropolitan region. We deliver services face to face if you are local, or telephone and Skype for across country and International clients.
Our practitioners have clinical training in Psychology, Clinical Social Work, depth Psychotherapy, Mental Health Nursing, and specific advanced registered psychotherapeutic trainings either in Existentialism, Transpersonal, and Gestalt Therapy. All training is nationally and internationally accredited.
“The Act of Revealing Oneself Fully To Another
And Still Being Accepted May Be
The Major Vehicle Of Therapeutic Help”
– Irvin D. Yalom
Our Aim
We aim to, and are committed to providing a safe, confidential and engaging environment where you can explore what it means to exist, your deeper life experiences; its unique meaning, purpose, and direction.
We assist your personal growth by encouraging your self-awareness in the ‘Here and Now’, encouraging your informed and creative choices, and authenticity. In this regard we support you to live fully into your life’s depth, richness, and possibilities.
We, at the Existential, Transpersonal, and Gestalt Therapy Centre, are committed to engaging your awareness of what it means to be human and facing the struggles of day-to-day life. Attention is given to how you can affect choice and self-direction to create the life that you desire. We work in a relationally holistic and integrative manner in also acknowledging that we humans are not solely mind, and body, and that we do in-fact have experiences of soul and spirit; and that we are both conscious and nonconscious, present, past, and continually evolving beings.
At the central core of Existential, Transpersonal, and Gestalt Therapy the focus is not solely on symptom reduction. Rather, your unique lived experiences, circumstances and need for change are respectfully explored to maximize your capacity to transform your life. We endeavour to support your liberation and freedom of responsive choice from limiting learnt patterns of behaviours, and old and out-dated responses.
At a time when we face such uncertainty within our world, it has never been more important that we come to an awareness of what is important to us, our meanings and values, and the personal and collective world we wish to create.
We support you in becoming more of who you truly and authentically are, and assist you to face the challenging decisions of life in a more choiceful and self-liberating way of being in the world for yourself and our next generations.
Key Foundations of Existential, Transpersonal, & Gestalt Therapy
In essence the key foundations of these models of practice and our therapeutic orientation are as follows:
- Experiential Awareness: the exploration of how to be in the ‘here and now’ with embodied, emotional, and cognitive awareness. To discover what one’s subjective truth is, and what and how one is becoming and being in the world.
- Freedom: The focus on aware informed choice. To know oneself, and to choose within the capacity of natural, self imposed and contextual limits of living and values.
- Responsibility: Developing the capacity to choose, respond and act upon that which we become aware of, and are becoming and have chosen.
- Authenticity: Supporting one’s personal will to move towards an authentic and congruous sense of self, with others and in the world.
- Presence: To develop a capacity for a ‘here and now’ relational connection with self, others, and the world.
- Organismic Trusting & Embodiment: To validate and trust one’s inner experience and embodiment. To move into the world using organismic trusting and embodiment as a guide for informed action and experiential freedom.
- Transcendence, Consciousness, and Spiritual Dimension: To appreciate and explore the transcendence of our sense of self and humanness beyond the ego mind.
- Personal Existence: Appreciation of the challenges of our subjective experiences in existing in the world, and the exploration of one’s human suffering, distress, anxiety, isolation, death, feelings of meaninglessness, and desire for more in life.
- Personal Healing: We regard that healing is a two-fold experience that is an inner experience of self-awareness, and as occurring through the nourishing contact and meeting with another, and/or environment.
- Meaning and purpose: To explore, experience and take responsibility for the meaning and purpose we attach to our unique human existence. And to embrace how we create our lives through our subjective perceptions and choices.
- Control: The acceptance of what is within our control and outside of our control. To accept the finiteness of certain conditions, and our mortal life.
- Ownership: Owning the attitudes, values, beliefs, and meanings that we ascribe to our life circumstances and the impact they have upon others and within our world. To take responsibility that our actions or inactions of today have an effect beyond ourselves, effecting the next generations to come.
- Unity & Transcendence: The willingness to explore the inter-relatedness of all existence, and a sense of self-transcendent beyond ego functioning.
Our team at the Existential, Transpersonal, and Gestalt Therapy Centre endeavours to meet you where you are at in your ‘here and now’ experience, and we are also available to witness your fullest potential and assist you to own and claim the possibilities of your life.
“The fact remains that we are absolutely
Free today if we choose to will our existence
In its finiteness,
A finiteness which is open on the infinite”
– Simone De Beauvoir
We Offer Authentic Human Therapeutic Care For Your Unique Context & Experience
Our Clinical Psychologists, Psychotherapists, and Professional Counsellors offer excellence in the area of Existential, Transpersonal, Transpersonal, and Gestalt Therapy.
Our services assist you in addressing the impact of:
- Anxiety, Worry, Panic, Depression, Obsessions
- Sexual Abuse/Assault, Past Domestic Violence & Diminishment
- Couples counselling for those experiencing marital issues
- Existential Trauma: personal, intergenerational, and collective
- Nervous System Dys-regulation
- Bullying & Harassment
- Grief, Loss
- Relationship Issues, Communication Difficulties
- Attachment & Bonding Distress
- Experiences of Emotional, Psychological, & Physical Numbness
- Overwhelming and Intensely Distressing Feelings
- Dissociation; Leaving Your Body
- Sexual Concerns & Sexuality Issues
- Lack Of Self-esteem, Confidence, Assertiveness
- Lack Of Meaning In Life
- Personal and Work Stress
- Women’s Concerns
- Pregnancy, Ante-/Postnatal Depression/Anxiety
- Chronic Illness, & Terminal Illness
- Cultural Adjustment & Migration Concerns
- Lack Of Personal Development, Direction, & Vision
- Family-of-Origin & Unresolved Ancestral Issues
- Spiritual Concerns, Distress, & Abuse
- When Past Injuries Interrupts The Enjoyment Of The Present Moment
To Make an Appointment with Our Clinical Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Professional Counsellors Get in Touch with the Existential, Transpersonal, and Gestalt Centre
Medicare rebates may be available with a referral from your doctor.
Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) are also available. We are experienced in delivering services for a number of government departments, community organisations, and corporate businesses.
For Enquiries and Appointments please call: 08 9430 9533 or 0422 648 243
For immediate response to emergencies and crisis please click here: Helpful Links